average people just do watch their hands with water mostly they do what I called a quick rob of hands. but normal hand washing is more than that, it something that suppose to last for at least 30 seconds. places people do skip are
1 the elbow parts when you just finished working maybe in the farm or something you suppose to watch at least from the middle of your elbow down to your finger tips
2 fingers tips :- when washing one should place Close attention to the fingers tips, this days people tend to have a long nail watch the face of the nails thoroughly.
3 Valley of the fingers - : these places should also be done justice to because dirty hides there, so what you do is to cross your other fingers on the valley of the other hand i mean where your fingers starts from.
lastly try as much as possible to be using soap maybe after or before eating, going to the toilet let practice and over time it will really master us, remember hand washing is the FIRST THING THAT KEEPS US HEALTH
hand washing is a itual we all need to perform every now and then, it part of culture we should all inhabit. into our personal lifes and doing.
When to wash your hands
Everyone interacts with germs throughout
the day. Wash your hands at these key
times to help avoid spreading bacteria:
After you use the restroom or help
someone use the restroom
After you sneeze, cough or blow your
Before and after you cook or prepare
Before and after you give first aid or
care for someone who is ill
Before you insert contact lenses
Before you eat
After you touch an animal or animal
After you shake hands with someone
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