Secret of people at the top. Want to start with the priceless seed of Charles swindoll: "life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it" truly you can not control the beauty of your face (you did not create your self) bu can still control the expression on your face. In life we want so much more that at times we tends to forget what we have or should I put it like this we often think about what we have lost than what we are holding presently. Because it what you have that we make you into what you want how by working hard 5 thousand can turn into 20 thousand (after a while) if you don't find satisfaction in what you have now you won't find satisfaction in what you have in the future. Do not get me wrong what am trying to say is that learn to appreciate what you have.
Recommend : Story of kingmakers
There is always lion in every lion for every disappointment there is a blessing, a post I drop of recent titled THE STORY OF KING MAKERS (you can find it on our blog page :ADEJASS CITY) if you find a kingmaker and maybe you got dissapointed do not parnick because another one is comming for you.
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The secret of the people that are the top or want to head for the top always blieve come rain come shine they will always make it against recession, bad investment, mismanagement of fund or financial crisis. Bill Gates believe he will always come up and break free of his idea. If you could remember a comment IMMEDIATELY WILL SACK THE COACH WHEN I BUY ARESENEAL that a powerful one by dangote the richest man in Africa. He have been chasing the club deal for a while now and blieve he going to buy the club. I know what most of you are thinking now, even if he does not end up buying the club the positive mind set of him will always help those are the tablet you use when you are down, against all odds I will make it. I believe that MY BLOG POPULARITY WILL RISE UP BEFORE NEXT YEAR HAVING MORE THAN 2000 VISIT PER DAY. WHAT YOU BLIEVE WILL SURELY WORKS FOR YOU, IT JUST LIKE A BALL YOU THROW TO THE WALL IT WILL ALWAYS COME BACK HITTING ADD. if you believe you get there please do read the previous post titled story of kingmakers
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