Yeah Oh yeah you want surely have one. When you are about to enter the bank hall you must pass through the machine that will scan your body of any metal before you can enter and maybe you tender it for the security and then you can enter the bank. Also in the bank there are security cameras all over, enough of these bank illustration many are getting bored already. What I just wanted us to pick from all that is that bank have their own security which stands as their protecting shield against any attack.
Also richmen have their own security, a guard dog, mobile police, security guards and all that (the rich are living big waoh all that). So many people have their own security some voodoo and some BLIEVE in God nd all that, I don't Want to be sounding religious and all that. My question now is WHAT IS YOUR SECURITY :WHAT ALWAYS GOT YOUR BACK.
I know many will say it gold because that what they invested in some will say their share oil investment business good all that lucrative I must say, let concluded that all that amounts to money so when you loose an investment (money) you loose your confidence, peace, rest of mind, joy all gone so you always try non resetting to bring it back running hitherto all about because you JUST LOST YOUR SECURITY YOU PRONE TO ATTACKS. you feel
Unprotected because your shield is gone, low self esteem because what makes you feel high is gone no where to be found which results in self pity leading it into depression and shifting of focus which is really bad for you.
I tell you the best security you can ever have is what inside of you because when you loose it you can as well mine another inside of you because there is suplusociity in your belly. So try as mush as possible to invest in your self, increasing your worth per day if you believe so mush in your self investing in your self you will receive signals of wrong decisions or bad investment. If you even make the strong decision you will have something to fall back on of what in your stomach.
The best security you can ever have is the one in your self. Feel free to explore our blog for more information that will Change your life business and other area of your life. Comment also and share your review.
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