Top 7 mistakes people make during weight loss

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People in the process of weight loss they unknowingly endangered their lifes and it really because they are not well informed.

Fasting :-Perhaps the mindless hunger is the biggest mistake during weight loss.
Most people mistakenly believe that only the refusal of food or food
maximum limit will help them to lose weight. These people sit on the
rigid diet, consuming not more than 500-700 calories a day. What does
it lead to? First, slowing metabolism. One of the tasks of successful
weight loss is not only to lose weight but also to disperse a low
metabolism. When you have a starvation diet (less than 1200 calories),
it slows down the metabolism that cannot contribute to weight loss.
Also, starvation diet makes the likelihood of relapse very high,
because not everyone can stand such starvation.

2.The lack of breakfast
Top 8 most common mistakes you make losing weight
Breakfast is one of the main meals, and during the diet, this meal is a
must. People who skip breakfast are at risk to get the excellent an
appetite for lunch or dinner. In addition, breakfast is needed in the
morning to wake up metabolism. Do not worry about the calories
eaten at breakfast, till dinner they will be burnt. Always eat breakfast!
If you have ever missed this meal, try to make sure that breakfast
becomes a habit. Do not limit the number of products for breakfast to
a minimum. During this meal, you can treat yourself with a sweet or
chocolate. Eat it better in the morning than at night.

3:-The abuse of low-fat food

And here is another very common mistake of weight loss plans -
rejection of fat. Our TV screens have every day broadcast on the
benefits of low-fat products, which without a doubt, will help you to
lose weight. People are buying low-fat cheese and yogurt, not knowing
that this way they only harm their health.
The fact is that low-fat foods contain high amounts of trans fats,
which are not absorbed by the body, but it tends to accumulate them.
It leads to disruption of metabolism process and, as a consequence, to
excess weight. In addition, eliminating fats from your diet, you begin
to lean on carbohydrates and that promotes rapid weight gain.

4:-Irregular meals

One of the major mistakes during the diet is irregular ‘power supply’.
Some people not only ignore breakfast but also refuse to eat lunch and
dinner. Irregular meals are dangerous because in the absence of full
reception of food you are likely going to try to drown out your hunger
using different snacks, which, at first glance, seem quite harmless.
However, if you calculate the eaten calories during snacks, you will be
surprised detecting that with the same success you can fully enjoy
lunch or dinner. Do not throw out dinner from your diet, it is also
slowing metabolism. Better to dine easily and without any frills.

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The abuse of fruits and juices

Abandoning harmful and fatty foods, dieters are trying to diversify the
diet with plenty of fruits and juices. How to become fit whether there
is a large amount of fruit and juice in the framework of the diet? Most
fruits contain large amounts of fructose, which your body turns into
sugar and sets aside in the form of fat reserves. Especially dangerous
ones (in this respect) are fruits with high glycemic index, such as
bananas and grapes. You should eat a lot of peaches and pears too. Is
there any fruit that can be eaten in any amount? No, this is nothing
more than a myth. The same applies to fruit juices that contain a lot
of sugar. Fruit juices cannot satisfy your hunger, but your body will
receive a large amount of sugar and calories.

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6. Express-diet
Top 8 most common mistakes you make losing weight
One of the most common diet mistakes is the abuse of express diets.
What is the express diet? This diet is created for the small amount of
time to help lose a few kilos in emergency situations. Express diet is
usually unbalanced and is often based on eating a standard set of
products for everyday use.
Such a diet does not give the body the necessary nutrients, and
therefore it should not be used more than once a month. Long ‘sitting’
on a diet will not only lead to health problems, but also to the effect
of the plateau. Your body, adapting to ‘a dangerous diet’, begins to
accumulate fat in reserve.

7. Mistakes during weight loss: Low physical activity
Top 8 most common mistakes you make losing weight
Is it possible to lose weight without sports? Of course, this is possible,
but with sports, fat burns much faster and the effect of permanently is
entrenched. In addition, sports help accelerate metabolism, strengthen
the muscles and keep the tone of your skin.
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