Japanese towel technique to lose and shield fats
Famous Japanese Method to Lose Weight with a
Are you bearing many extra pounds? How to get rid of extra kilos ? For this, the most
commonly used weight loss methods are taking exercises and following strict diet
plans. Also, there are weight loss supplements and diet pills available to shed extra
pounds of your body. In today’s video, I am going to share with you a popular
Japanese method to lose weight naturally.
It is because of an increased use of junk foods, lack of physical activity and unhealthy
lifestyle that your body tends to get extra weight. A Japanese Doctor Toshiki
Fukutsudzi has introduced a very simple and easy to follow method for all of you for
losing weight.
Japanese Method to Lose Weight with a Towel
This weight loss method is a simple exercise. Here are the simple steps to take this
weight loss exercise.
1. For this exercise, you need a towel. Take a towel and start rolling it. Stop rolling
when 15 inches length of the towel is left and its width should be only three-four
2. Now, sit on a hard surface such as on the floor and place the rolled towel behind
your back.
3. Now, lay down on the floor in a straight position with the towel placed under your
waist area.
4. After this, try to bring your feet closer while maintaining a distance of eight to 10
inches between your heels and keep your body in the same position.
5. Next, keep your arms in the straight position and try to join the little fingers of your
6. Now, keep your body in this position for five minutes and after this, stand up.
7. Take this exercise for two to three minutes and within 30 days, you will see a big
Benefits You Will Get:
This method for weight loss is simple and unique. It helps your body get into
shape and you do not need to take physical exercises and follow strict diet plans.
This at home weight loss method is also very useful for improving your body
posture and it also helps you get rid of extra fat in your belly area. Thus, you will
get a flat belly if you follow this simple weight loss method.
This method is very quick and easy and you do not need any equipment for this. It
tones your muscles and reduces inches from your waist.
In less than 30 days, this method helps you get a straight back naturally as it
makes your spine straight.
This Japanese method to lose weight is simple and effective. So, follow the method
and get rid of extra body weight.
Are you bearing many extra pounds? How to get rid of extra kilos ? For this, the most
commonly used weight loss methods are taking exercises and following strict diet
plans. Also, there are weight loss supplements and diet pills available to shed extra
pounds of your body. In today’s video, I am going to share with you a popular
Japanese method to lose weight naturally.
It is because of an increased use of junk foods, lack of physical activity and unhealthy
lifestyle that your body tends to get extra weight. A Japanese Doctor Toshiki
Fukutsudzi has introduced a very simple and easy to follow method for all of you for
losing weight.
Japanese Method to Lose Weight with a Towel
This weight loss method is a simple exercise. Here are the simple steps to take this
weight loss exercise.
1. For this exercise, you need a towel. Take a towel and start rolling it. Stop rolling
when 15 inches length of the towel is left and its width should be only three-four
2. Now, sit on a hard surface such as on the floor and place the rolled towel behind
your back.
3. Now, lay down on the floor in a straight position with the towel placed under your
waist area.
4. After this, try to bring your feet closer while maintaining a distance of eight to 10
inches between your heels and keep your body in the same position.
5. Next, keep your arms in the straight position and try to join the little fingers of your
6. Now, keep your body in this position for five minutes and after this, stand up.
7. Take this exercise for two to three minutes and within 30 days, you will see a big
Benefits You Will Get:
This method for weight loss is simple and unique. It helps your body get into
shape and you do not need to take physical exercises and follow strict diet plans.
This at home weight loss method is also very useful for improving your body
posture and it also helps you get rid of extra fat in your belly area. Thus, you will
get a flat belly if you follow this simple weight loss method.
This method is very quick and easy and you do not need any equipment for this. It
tones your muscles and reduces inches from your waist.
In less than 30 days, this method helps you get a straight back naturally as it
makes your spine straight.
This Japanese method to lose weight is simple and effective. So, follow the method
and get rid of extra body weight.
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