Excerise is really good for the body do you know that when you use jumping rope. Apart from eight benefits of it on the picture below there are others benefits one can gain, if am you after reading the post I will quickly get mine and start jumping.  Already got one for my lady (folake)
#1 - Calorie Cooker

Very few exercises
to get "lighter on your feet?" Skip rope every day for a few minutes. When
you jump rope on the balls of your feet, body connects with mind to make
"neural muscular adjustments" to keep you balanced. Essentially, skipping rope
improves your balance and quickness/coordination by making your mind focus
on your feet for sustained periods of time, even if you're not conscious of
it.  Boxers know this. Why do you think jumping rope is a favorite exercise for
the best boxers in the world?

#2 Increase Bone Density
The medium impact of jumping rope increases bone density, but isn’t as hard on
your joints as running because the impact of each jump is absorbed by both
legs. In fact, according to Dr. Daniel W. Barry, a researcher who has studied the
bones of the elderly and of athletes, the latest studies show simply jumping
is one of the very best exercises for improving bone density.

#3- It's Good for Your Brain
We know that exercise (even as little as 20 minutes) is good for the brain. But
did you know that activities with BOTH physical and mental demands (like
slacklining, ballroom dancing or jumping rope) have higher impacts on cognitive
functioning than exercise tasks alone (like the treadmill or stationary bike). Turns
out the very best workouts for brain health involve coordination, rhythm, and
strategy. So the next time you're jumping rope, challenge yourself to try some
jump rope tricks . Turns out they're really good for your brain.


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