6 Really fun and hilarious joke you can tell a girl you just met

Meeting a lady and you want to juicy it up here is what you can actually say

Ooh you seem like you'd fit perfectly in my co-driver seat!

Hi, I was just talking to my friend and he was wondering whether you
think I’m cute.

Wow, you must be a real dictator because I’m experiencing an uprising.
I’m new in town, could I have the directions to your house please?

Hi, I’ve lost my teddy, do you think you could cuddle with me instead?
I'm no photographer, but I picture us together.

If I were a traffic light, I'd turn red every time you wanted to cross, just so
I could look at you for a bit longer.

Are you Wi-fi? [no] That’s funny, because I feel like I’m really connected to

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